There is a better way
Advanced Benefit Solutions found that traditional group carriers’ clients were spending up to 30% of their premium on administration fees, resulting in higher fees and regular increases to traditional premiums. Advanced Benefit Solutions realized there was a better way to save clients’ money and the company of Advanced Benefit Solutions was born.
The mission is to deliver the same coverage at less cost and the success of Advanced Benefit Solutions is proof that their business model works. Clients are lifelong, and they have freedom to tailor their benefit plans to their individual needs as their needs change over time.
Advancements in technology have made it easy for those who choose to submit electronically to be reimbursed directly to their own accounts. It also makes it possible for companies, large and small, across Canada to participate in this money-saving way of providing employees and owners health and dental coverage.
Our team is always ready to personally help your company’s personnel with travel insurance, life insurance and drug cards to get the coverage they need.